Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March's Rant

You know what really ticks me off? The word "should" when over-applied to students. For instance, "Josh should be able to sit still and focus for an hour." In a perfect world, Josh should. But what if Josh can't? What if his brain is wired differently and sitting still for an hour makes his mind shut down? We could say he should be able to do this and make it his fault. Or we could accept the fact that he can't and take steps to help him. Perhaps two minutes of active movement at the beginning of class and maybe even at the middle would help him focus the other 56 minutes. Perhaps letting him doodle or fiddle with silly putty would help him learn. Chewing gum (as much as I hate it) helps some students. Perhaps teachers should look at an unsuccessful student and see what is needed to help him succeed.

Another example I hear regularly is that students should do what they are supposed to without expecting praise. Well, yes, they should. But they don't. Most of these kids are running so in the red with negative teacher/parent/peer comments that they need a huge amount of praise to have any hopes of getting in the black, praise-wise. What harm does it do to tell a kid you love how still he's sitting? Watch everyone around him try for that same comment. Telling a kid you appreciate how neatly she is writing will improve the chances of her continuing to write neatly. We all love to be noticed and praised, and intense kids need much more praise than other kids do. Praise is cheap, quick, and efficient.

One of my third grade tutoring students is having a horrendous time in school right now. EOG madness is reaching its peak and teachers are going into high gear. He's getting into lots of trouble. I asked him one day, if HE were designing a school, how would it be different? After we got past candy for lunch and Pepsi in the water fountains, he had some great ideas. He just needed to move around more, he said. And he'd like to have work that he could understand. He very seldom gets praised or called upon, because he is a trouble-maker. He's a smart kid with supportive parents and he should be a success. Perhaps we should look at why he isn't succeeding and make some changes. Perhaps our schools should be more open to students who learn differently. If we did, I think we'd find we needed to spend less time on discipline and remediation and we'd see some kids bloom and learn. I'd like to see that day come soon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Teaching kids to read, one by one

One of the things I am proud of is the Augustine Project. I'm proud that I started it and I'm proud that I was chair of the hiring committee that hired Debbie McCarthy. Without her, the AP wouldn't be in three states and several cities; it wouldn't have trained hundreds of tutors or helped hundreds of kids. And I'm proud of the tutors who give up two weeks of their time to take our grueling training so they cam give at least sixty hours of time to a low-income child with reading problems.

With the help of the Diocese of NC's Bishop Michael Curry, the AP applied for and received a $100,000 Jessie Ball DuPont grant to be split over five years between the three diocesan AP projects, in Chapel Hill/Durham, Charlotte, and Winston-Salem. This video features Bishop Curry and Debbie talking about the grant and the project's inception and growth.

Early grant givers were hesitant to give us money because the AP only helped one child at a time. But one child at a time adds up. Tutor Dan Toth has worked with over 25 children alone. The Talmud says "To change one life is to change the world," and these tutors have changed a lot of worlds. This grant, given during a time of funding uncertainty for many nonprofits, means more tutors can be trained and more children can be helped.

Our replication policy can be found on the project website. If you are interested in knowing more about starting an Augustine Project in your town, Church of the Holy Family, Chapel Hill, NC, is hosting a replication workshop on Friday, March 26, 2010, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Lunch will be provided and directors from other programs will be present. Come hear more about it. It may be your turn to change a few worlds!


You may have gathered it from reading this blog already, but if you haven't, daughter #2 is what educator Kirk Martin calls an "intense child." Eight months in NC's wonderful Wright School helped, but day-to-day maintenance is critical and exhausting. With a child like this, there is no margin for error.

Schools, any schools, have even less patience for intense kids. They present as defiant, oppositional and rude. It's hard to see how terrified they really are. Schools are incredibly user-unfriendly to these kids and new models for interacting are needed, both at home and school.

I attended one of Kirk Martin's Celebrate!Calm workshops last week, and was astounded to hear him describing my child and the interactions we have in our home. The school cafeteria we met in was half-full, and all the other parents were nodding along with me. Martin describes his organization:

Based in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., Celebrate!Calm is a world-renowned educational organization that provides science-based training for educators, parents and children. While the research-based interventions help all children learn more effectively, the organization specializes in working with children affected by Aspergers, Autism, Sensory Integration, Opposition Defiant Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, OCD, ADD, ADHD and other learning or emotional difficulties.

The two hours were packed with information, which I found trustworthy because it was so similar to Wright School's methodology. Martin sells his CD series for what he admits is an exorbitant amount of money, partially because he wants it to hurt enough that people will listen to and use them. I knew I couldn't afford it, but then he announced a special individual price for people in financial need. I approached him at the break and we agreed on a very reasonable amount that I promised him still hurt considerably.

His sessions are free to participants and there is no real pressure to buy the CD's, which are worth every penny I spent on them. There is a set for teachers, for dads, for married couples and some for everyone. Check out his website and see if he's coming to your area. If you parent or teach an intense child, put it on your calendar. You won't regret it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why educating children isn't like making cars

Great video about why using a factory model for educating children isn't either efficient or practical. The CHCCS system might want to be reminded of this as they make the decision that all students should be educated to go to college.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time for a new kind of school

I thought I had found the perfect school for D#2 and one that actually tempted me back into teaching in a school setting. I had found my dream job. Except . . . . it wasn't. Nor was it a good place for her. Not a bad school, just not the right school. So, that behind us, we're off to the next wonderful school.

Where, you might ask? I'm asking too. For a child like my daughter, and for many other children, there is no wonderful school. Many kids can go on to be successful if they can just make it through the ordeal we call education. What is needed is a different kind of school. Will someone please start one?

Uh, me? Are you talking to me? Can I actually start a school? My friend Meredith put it this way: "You thought you had found your dream job. Perhaps you were dreaming too small."

So here's the dream under its working name:

Just Right Academy is a private elementary and middle school geared to children who need structure, consistency and positive reinforcement, remediation and a multi-sensory way of learning, more movement, and reduced stress. Students receive direct small group and/or individual instruction in reading, math and language arts, along with integrated social studies, science, art, music, and drama. In some areas a student may need intense remediation, while in others he or she may need to be challenged. Social skills are directly taught and constantly reinforced. Learning to serve is an important value and there are daily opportunities for this along with monthly service Fridays. Movement breaks and physical activities are built into the schedule. A high school curriculum may be added later if the need is there.

Unnecessary stressors such as homework, high-stakes testing, and inappropriately difficult and/or busy work are not part of the program. But because life is not stress-free, techniques and strategies are taught to help students deal with the inevitable stressors and frustrating situations in their lives.

JRA’s core philosophy is that of Nicholas Hobbes’ Twelve Re-ED principles:

l. Life is to be lived now, not in the past, and lived in the future only as a present challenge. All children come with a history, but it is essential that it doesn’t haunt them in their present school setting. Every day, every hour, is an opportunity to start fresh.

2. Trust between child and adult is essential. In order for learning to happen, adults must be seen as reliable and trustworthy allies with predictable and consistent behaviors. A culture of trust and consistency must exist among the adults before the children ever begin at the school, and a commonality of philosophy is critical.

3. Competence makes a difference, and children and adolescents should be helped to be good at something, and especially at schoolwork. Some children require direct teaching and multisensory learning in order to become competent at reading and math. Other opportunities for competence are regularly offered.

4. Time is an ally, working on the side of growth in a period of development when life has a tremendous forward thrust. The brain is maturing in children and many just need a safe place to develop skills and competencies that might develop with time on their own.

5. Self-control can be taught and children and adolescents helped to manage their behavior without the development of psychodynamic insight. We are not psychotherapists nor are we a day treatment program, but all humans have behaviors that must be unlearned and replaced with more productive behavior, no matter the reason they occur.

6. Intelligence can be taught. Intelligence is a dynamic, evolving, and malleable capacity for making good choices in living. Problem-solving, both with academics and relationships, can and should be taught. Practice in making good choices is constant.

7. Feelings should be nurtured, shared spontaneously, controlled when necessary, expressed when too long repressed, and explored with trusted others. An atmosphere of honesty allows children to share through writing, drama, art and conversation. Constant coaching helps children learn to control the actions their feelings may cause.

8. The group is very important to young people, and it can become a major source of instruction in growing up. A healthy group can be a source of support and reinforcement to a struggling child. Older children can assist younger ones, thus gaining self-confidence in the process. Peers who cooperate rather than compete can be a source of strength and learning.

9. Ceremony and ritual give order, stability, and confidence to troubled children and adolescents, whose lives are often in considerable disarray. All people find comfort in predictability and ritual. Though out time, cultures have created rituals to help them through times of disequilibrium and transition, and so we do as well.

10. The body is the armature of the self, the physical self around which the psychological self is constructed. Children need to move, both in play, work and physical challenge, and all these are built into JRA’s program. It may be recess, gardening, sports coaching, working, or hiking, but movement is central to our program.

11. Communities are important for children and youth, but the uses and benefits of community must be experienced to be learned. Communities come with responsibilities as well as benefits, and so each child contributes each day by doing chores. Monthly service Fridays expand the community. Students help plan celebrations and support each other in many ways.

12. A child should know some joy in each day and look forward to some joyous event for the morrow. Every child should experience some joy in school every day, whether it’s a game at recess, mastering a difficult concept, reading with a dog, or celebrating one of our many holidays such as Squirrel Appreciation Day, King Tut Day, Jackie Robinson’s birthday, Cherry Pie Day, or World Penguin Day.

Is this something I can do myself? I'm not crazy. Wonderful people have come forward and there are more of you out there, people who may hold a small or large piece of this school and not even know it. We are in the process of forming a nonprofit and putting together a board of directors. While we will have to charge tuition, we want to have lots of scholarships so that all children who need this kind of setting can come. This is not a day treatment program for troubled kids; we want all kinds of children who need structure, consistency, movement, positivity, and strong academics.

Here are some needs:
1. a building; we are looking at one this week, but are open to all suggestions in Durham, Orange or northern Chatham.
2. financial donations, especially after we get nonprofit status.
3. donations of children's books, educational materials in good condition. We are especially interested in Saxon math materials and any math manipulatives.
4. Play tables
5. Someone to create a website
6. Someone to create a brochure
7. People who would be interested in serving on a committee: bylaws, curriculum, renovating and building (bookshelves, etc), fundraising, admissions, outreach, calendar
8. Prayers
9. Computer wizards and computers
10. People who can set up matching giving plans at their companies
11. Legos, K'nex, Lincoln Logs, any building toys, Playmobile sets, especially historical ones
12. Educational puzzles, especially wooden ones
13. Hot Dots materials
14. Wilson Reading systems materials, especially magnet boards and card packs
15. Office supplies such as staplers, paper cutters, scissors, markers, etc.
16. Corporate partners
17. students

We'd like to open in the fall 2010. What we want is a school for kids who could be superstars with the proper support and coaching. I know they are out there and I know most schools can't meet their needs. I have taught some in the past, I tutor some now, and I'm related to several. These kids can change the world if we can give them the leg up they need. Let me know if you want to help or you have a student who is a superstar in the making.